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What Women Deserve

This is an awkward time. This is an awkward time to be a Black woman. I cannot speak on anything before 1999. Cash Money was taking over and that seemed like a good time. We milly rocked and snapped our way into being carefree and confident. We had passports and were open to love, but we were not dying on the cross. White Jesus already did that. We were living in a post-racial society, or whatever Fox News said.   Change is constant, but there is a significant difference between change and a strong backhand across your face. To say that there was a backlash to the Obama years would be an understatement. Uncontrolled fear and wrath started to grow as soon as 2010, but depending on where you were and what you looked like, it may not have grabbed you by the throat until much later.   Fast-forward to 2018, and I am seeing racism, colorism, and misogynoir in a new light. I endured some of the most disgusting interviews I've ever had, I received some of the most ridiculous "complime

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